What characterizes us the most is the theatrical imprint that we give to each performance, making the shows unique and unforgettable. Our primary training is in fact the theater, which has allowed us to advance three splendid children's theater productions in parallel to the street theater . The first to be born is "Tarantella of Pulcinella" theatrical show for kids in Commedia dell'Arte , a comic choice to make young people think about the theme of the war , with direct involvement of the public that thanks to the figure of Pulcinella will see the fourth wall fall . Various cultural insights, both historical and literary, having taken inspiration from stories including the war of the bells by Gianni Rodari . In addition to being an excellent choice for theaters, it is a useful in-depth study for schools , going through the history of theater, the importance of masks , insights into the theme of war and Italian literature .
The second production, a little gem we are proud of, is "The Flying Priest" , a show that always using the comic key speaks of the true story of a priest from Todi who lived in the mid-1800s with a dream, that of flying. So let yourself be carried away on this journey through the history of flight, which will teach you the importance of following your dreams. Here too there are numerous cultural insights for your children and teenagers, including the history of Garibaldi, the Second World War , the history of Umbria and the history of the flight machine , with insights on Leonardo da Vinci.
The latest production, named "Pulcinella, 99 dangers and a disgrace" was commissioned directly by Inail of Salerno and always thanks to the Commedia dell'Arte, we will discover what are the dangers that arise in our life and in growth , from the dangers in the home , to the dangers of the outside world and strangers. A purely comic show widely appreciated by the public.
The strength of our shows for children is to be suitable also for adults and children up to 99 years of age!
A world of shows, magic and unforgettable images, there is no limit to what we can offer you!
Commedia dell'arte, original music, Luzzati style scenography. (4 artists)
Pulcinella offers us a journey, guided by RODARI's stories and rhymes and by LUZZATI's illustrations, through historical canvases, contemporary quotations and popular fables to speak, in Pulcinella's way, of a terrible and current topic: THE WAR.
It might seem rhetorical to speak of Peace, of war, of its ugliness and its uselessness. But Pulcinella is right when at the end he says:
"We must not forget, because if we forget, it turns out that we fall again and I ... I don't want to do war anymore." So let's talk, let's not forget. Let's talk about it to keep your memory. Let's talk about it in the manner of Pulcinella, with a laugh, a beating, a tear ...
and a Tarantella. READ MORE
Stage machines assembled on stage for a story that speaks of tenacity (4 artists)
Stage machines, original music, acrobatics and poetry
The Flying Priest is the story of a character from the so-called "minor history" of Umbria: Don Abdon Menicali, who lived in Todi in the 1800s. A life lived in continuous balance between dream and reality, halfway between Don Quixote and Sancho Panza, with a passion for flying that takes the dreamlike forms of poetry. So much so that you get to sleep in a hammock, above which, from a hole in the ceiling, you can see the sky. READ MORE
Show produced on commission by INAIL for the GIffoni Film Festival (5 Artists)
Pulcinella shows us, in its own way, the dangers of the house, the sea, the garden, the playground ... Through the transformation of pulcinella from actor to puppet and back to actor and through the canvas of "the advices of king Solomon" Pulcinella tells a comic, funny, meaningful story that helps children and parents to face the many dangers that the world holds for us.
Live music and masks of the commedia dell'arte for a project requested by INAIL to open the Giffoni Film Festival.

Safety of success thanks to more than 200 replicas in Italy
IDEAL for kids, festivals, theater seasons
Use of COMEDIA DELL'ARTE and MODULAR scenography
Light audio service included in the show
Duration 1h 10 minutes